About me

I graduated in 2020 with a degree in Computer Science from IIIT Bhubaneswar with no great accomplishments other than finding my best friend. I dabbled in a bunch of things but have been most inclined to study machine learning and its applications, but the field is so vast that till today I am lost as to which of my inclinations to pursue.

I started playing the violin recently, and though I sound just a little bit better than scratching nails on a chalkboard, I have huge ambitions to one day nail Paganini’s Caprice No. 2. Wish me luck!

About this website

This website is heavily (almost entirely) inspired by Chris Holdgraf’s personal website, though I plan to play around with the style if I ever figure out how CSS works.

It uses the pydata sphinx theme along with ablog for blogging, and the myst-parser and myst-nb packages for writing posts in Markdown and Jupyter Notebooks.